The study is a part of a larger qualitative study carried out across 16 European countries aimed at exploring experiences with digital technologies during the COVID-19 lockdown, e.g.smartphones, tablets, computers, TVs, video-games, etc. of children aged between 6 and 12 years and their parents'perceptions of these. The overall research questions are: How did children engage with digital technologies during the lockdown and how did this impact their well-being? and What were the parents' attitudes and behaviors towards the use of technology and how did the lockdown change these? These were addressed in five areas: uses, perceptions, changes and impact for the future. This national report of Spain is written based on data generated interviewing 10 families who have at least one child between 6 and 12 years of age, and the fieldwork was conducted in the Autonomous Communities of Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Galicia and Catalonia between June and December 2020. Although literature regarding technology in the life of children 6-12 is emerging in the Spanish context as a key focus as such, it is still very scarce, and the unforeseen nature of the lockdown provides a new area of research regarding the digital practices of children. We hope, therefore, that the presented results from the study will serve as a basis for larger EU studies on related topics and policy recommendations in Spain and beyond.