Last September 13, the fifteenth edition of the Master’s in School Librarianship and Reading Promotion (academic year 2023-24) was inaugurated. The event counted with the speeches of Dr. Miquel Térmens, Dean of the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media of the UB, Dra. Georgeta Ion, Vice Dean of Mobility and Students at the Faculty of […]
The doctoral student Clara Vilaboa Sáenz de Lubiano has earned a scholarship for a four-month research stay at the University of Ghent, with the programme Erasmus+ Practice and UAB Exchange Programme Traineeships. Her thesis, directed by Dr. Cristina Aliagas, explores the didactic integration of comics and graphic novels in the Primary Education School through an […]
Loreto Espallargas, chilean Ph.D student, early childhood teacher and master’s in children’s literature, has awarded the scholarship “Beca Chile de Doctorado en el Extranjero” from the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID) to develop her doctoral research titled “Incorporation of digital narratives in high school: didactic and interpretative challenges for teachers and students”, directed […]
Last September 14, we inaugurated the fourteenth edition of the Master’s Degree in School Library and Reading Promotion, with the opening conference “El podcast que ens hauria agradat escoltar” [The podcast that we would have loved to listen to], given by Marina Llompart and Guillem Fargas. The speakers are ex-students of the master’s degree and […]
This September we have received the third cohort of students from the Erasmus Mundus Masters in Children’s Literature, Media and Culture, coordinated by the Glasgow University (Scotland) and Aarhus University (Denmark), with the participation of the UAB (Spain), Tilburg University (Netherlands) and Wroclaw University (Poland). The contribution from the Gretel research group (UAB), is our […]
El máster en Biblioteca Escolar y Promoción de la Lectura (edición 20/21) tiene una nueva coordinadora: la Dra. Martina Fittipaldi ([email protected]) será a partir de setiembre la encargada de la gestión del máster desde la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
La Asociación de Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC) ha distinguido el artículo “Simple o ximple? Una reflexió sobre la poesia infantil” (“¿Simple o tonta? Una reflexión sobre la poesía infantil”), de Felipe Munita y Neus Real, en la XIXa edición del Premio Aurora Díaz-Plaja. Este premio se concede al mejor artículo de análisis, estudio o […]
La doctoranda, Luz Santa María Muxica, asociada al grupo de investigación GRETEL, ha ganado la prestigiosa Beca de Doctorado en el Extranjero (Becas Chile) de la Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID). Se trata de una beca predoctoral de excelencia financiada por el Gobierno de Chile. La doctoranda ha iniciado recientemente su Doctorado en […]
Vols saber què fem i com en aquest màster? Tens dubtes o preguntes sobre el seu funcionament, especialment en el marc de la COVID-19? Pots demanar-nos tot el que necessitis saber dimarts 30 de juny a les 16h. Connecta’t directament clicant sobre aquest enllaç: T’hi esperem! Sessió organitzada en el marc de la Fira […]