Applications to join the 2020-2022 cohort of our International Master in Children’s Literature, Media and Culture are open. Remember you can apply for great scholarships (1000 euros per month during 24 months + travel expenses) until January the 10th 2020. For more information on how to apply please see our webpages …
A new book has been published in Spanish, La formación de lectores literarios en la Educación Infantil, edited by Cristina Correro and Neus Real, members of Gretel. You can access to the book here.
Monográfico sobre educación literaria Acaba de publicarse el número especial “Perspectivas actuales en didáctica de la literatura”, de la revista Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature. El monográfico, coordinado por Felipe Munita, cuenta con artículos de diversos integrantes de GRETEL y con aportaciones de investigadores de otras universidades que trabajan en el […]
35 students, over 25 different nationalities and languages have started last week in Glasgow the new Master. Cristina Correro and Cristina Aliagas in representations of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona were in Glasgow for the Induction Week. You can have more information about the programme and the important scholarships here.
Wednesday, September 26th, 2018, Auditorium of the Faculty of Library and Information Science of the UB (c / Melcior de Palau 140, Barcelona) 5: 30pm Welcome session for students and presentation of the Master 6:00pm Delivery of the VI Information and Documentation Research Award for the best research work to Marta Roura Solanich, for her […]
The EU has just granted the organization of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) entitled: “Children’s Literature, Childhood Culture and Media Master”. The M.A. will be coordinated by Evelyn Arizpe, from the University of Glasgow, and also will have the collaboration of the universities of Aarhus, Autónoma de Barcelona, Tilburg, Wroclaw, and British Columbia […]
Neus Real and Cristina Correro, from GRETEL, have coordinated a special issue on children’s digital literature for Textura-ULBRA, from Universidade Luterana Do Brasil, together with professor Edgar Kirchof. See all articles at
Just published in Catalan La literatura a l’educació infantil [Literature in Early Childhood Education], edited by Cristina Correro and Neus Real, members of GRETEL. The book has come out as number 73 of the collection “Temes d’Infància” [Chilhood Subjects] of the Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat. More information:
We are grateful for the many expressions of solidarity received from our friends around the world. We offer you “El cant dels ocells” by Pau Casals as a sign of mourning for the attack to our city and an image of its people’s rally as a response.