Last September 14, we inaugurated the fourteenth edition of the Master’s Degree in School Library and Reading Promotion, with the opening conference “El podcast que ens hauria agradat escoltar” [The podcast that we would have loved to listen to], given by Marina Llompart and Guillem Fargas. The speakers are ex-students of the master’s degree and showed us the work of dissemination that they do on the network with their digital project “Tàndem, un podcast de literature infantile I juvenile” [Tandem, a podcast of children’s and youth literature”].
The Master’s in School Library and Reading Promotion is inter-university and focuses on the development of knowledge and skills on school library management and reading promotion strategies in a wide spectrum of social contexts, with an interdisciplinary, creative and culturally sensitive. This year Mònica Baró (UB) and Cristina Aliagas (UAB) coordinate it.