
Cristina Aliagas

UAB Lecturers

Senior Lecturer (permanent)

[email protected]


Cristina Aliagas holds a degree in Humanities (2005) and a PhD with European Mention from Pompeu Fabra University. Her thesis, “El desinterès lector adolescent” (The adolescent lack of interest in reading) (2011), supervised by Dr. Daniel Cassany and Dr. Josep M. Castellà, develops an anthropological analysis of the literacy practices and reader identities of four adolescents who resist literature.  She has been a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Sheffield (2013-2015), at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2011-2013, 2015-2016) and at the Pompeu Fabra University (2017-2019), with the competitive grants Beatriu de Pinós/Marie Curie Actions and Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación.

She has published more than fifty articles and has given over a hundred presentations at national and international conferences. She has carried out three research stays in the United Kingdom; with Prof. David Barton at Lancaster University (2007) and with Prof. Kate Pahl and Dr. Julia Davies at Sheffield University (2009, 2013-2015). Since 2005, she has taught at several universities (UPF, UAB, UOC, The University of Sheffield).

Her current research focuses on the role that reading and writing practices play in the lives and ‘subcultures’ of young Catalans, especially those who have difficulties at school. Within this framework of study, her research develops different foci: ethnography and literacy, digital literacy (social networks such as Facebook), analogue and digital literate identities and practices in adolescent culture (manga readers, tablet readers, emerging rappers, members of fanfiction communities, role-players, private writing). These anthropological studies underpin another set of studies focusing on pedagogical intervention in the classroom, through which the synergistic relationships between adolescent cultures, digital practices and the secondary school curriculum is explored.

She is currently a Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master on Children’s Literature, Media and Culture at the UAB, and also of the UAB/UB interuniversity Master in School Library and Reading Promotion. She is also co-IP of a Retos del Ministerio research project on the integration of digital literature in literary education in secondary school.