Associated lecturer
B.A. in Literature by Universidad Nacional de Salta (Argentina), M.A. in Language and Literature Didactics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), M.A. on GRETEL’s “Children’s and Young Adult Literature” and P.h.D in Language and Literature Didactics at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
She has worked as secondary school teacher and higher education lecturer. She has delivered courses, workshops, and seminaries as mediator for the National Reading Plan of Argentina (in Salta). She has also published articles about reading promotion and literature. At present she’s finnishing her P.h.D. on immigration and images reading and on literary knowledge, and has a grant from Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR). Her thesis, ¿Qué han de saber los niños sobre literatura? Conocimientos literarios y tipos de actuaciones que permiten progresar en la competencia literaria (, tries to answer the questions: what should students know about literature by the end of primary school?, and what teaching and learning practices do, in fact, encourage children to enjoy literary texts in and beyond the classroom?
Currently she is teacher in GRETEL’s Master degree “Children’s and Young Adult Literature” (UAB- Banco del Libro) and associate professor in the Department of Linguistics and literary Education and Experimental Sciences and Mathematics Teaching at the University of Barcelona (UB).