Reaserch Projects

  • The Use of Children’s Literature in Sociocultural Integration and the Language Learning of Immigrant Children in the Classroom (PNL 2006)

    Main investigator: Teresa Colomer
    Other investigators: Mª Cecilia Silva-Díaz; Ana Mª Margallo; Mireia Manresa; Núria Vilà; Montserrat Correig.

    Financing body: PNL2006-16 Subsidies for new research themes 2006. Vice-rectory of Investigation. The Autonomous University of Barcelona.

    Description: Research on the literary education of immigrant students.

  • Mandatory Readings: Children’s Novels in High School (2004/2007)

    Leading Researcher: Teresa Colomer
    Other researchers: Mª Cecilia Siva-Díaz, Ana Díaz-Plaja, Ana Mª Margallo, Mireia Manresa.

    Financing body: Fundació Enciclopèdia Catalana (project-award winner for research prizes in pedagogy).

    Participating institutions: The Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Barcelona

    Description: To establish the state of aspects related to prescriptive readings at compulsory secondary education level and create criteria for school proceedings.

    The results of this research are available Colomer, Teresa (dir.). (2008) Lectures adolescents. Barcelona: Graó.

  • The Reading Habits of the Cerdanyola del Vallès’ Youth Population (2002/2004)

    Leading Investigator: Teresa Colomer

    Other investigators: Mireia Manresa, Mª Cecilia Silva-Díaz, Mònica Baró (UB), Teresa Mañà (UB), Isabel Tejerina (University of Cantabria).

    Project financed by the Barcelona Area Government

    The project basis was the extraction and analysis of 15,000 the reading files of children’s and adolescents from Cerdanyola del Vallès.

    Some of the results of this investigation may be found at: Manresa, Mireia (2004). Què llegeixen els adolescents? Lectures escolars i lectures personals. Anàlisi d’una campanya de promoció lectora a Cerdanyola del Vallès. (What do Adolescents Read? School and Personal Reading. Analysis of a Reading Promotion Campaign in Cerdanyola del Vallès). An investigation project directed by Teresa Colomer.