GRETEL, a research team of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, condemns the decision of the Spanish government to overrule the institutions of Catalan self-government. The intervention of the Catalan government and the Catalan Parliament, both institutions created Centuries ago, implies that Catalonia will be ruled from Madrid by a party, the PP, which has only 8.5% of the Catalan vote. The nearly total nullification of Catalan Parliament’s functions vanishes the separation of the executive and legislative powers and it is an unprecedented event in democratic Europe. The intervention of public media -TV3, Catalunya Radio and the Catalan News Agency- brings censorship, attempts against freedom of press, erases the plurality of opinion present in these media and prevents its task of spreading the Catalan language and culture. GRETEL reaffirms its commitment to liberties and democracy, and joins the popular clamor to release the recently imprisoned presidents of two civil organizations that have organised peaceful demonstrations in the last seven years