Building G5 – Office 109
BA on Hispanic Literatura, MA on language and literature education and PhD (Cum Laude) on Children and Young Adult’s Digital Fiction with his doctoral thesis “Esto no va de libros: Literatura infantil y juvenil digital y educación literaria” (This ain’t about books: Children and YA digital literature and literary education). This subject has led him to participate as guest speaker in several conferences and events worlwide (Norway, Finland, Denmark, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, etc) and collaborate with differents associations and entities (ELO, Nordic Kid’s E-lit, AC Puebla de Lectura, Revista Emilia) to disseminate the value of children electronic literaturee.
He’s also been part of multiple teacher training programs both locally in Catalunya and Spain (Rosa Sensat, Biblioteques de Barcelona, Colectivo TresBrujas, etc.) and internationally (Mexico, Brazil, Portugal…) He also teaches in the UAB’s MA programm “Children and YA’s books and literature”. He coordinates GRETEL’s website Digital’s literature selection and manages EstoNoVaDeLibros a public instagram account where he analyzes and recommends a selection of works of digital fiction for children.