
Anna Juan


Visiting lecturer

Building G5 – Office 129

[email protected]


PhD in Cultural and Social Anthropology from Universitat de Barcelona and Pierre Mendès France de Grenoble (2009). M.A. in children and Young Adult’s books and literature” (2007/2009). Postgraduate in “reading projects and school libraries”.

She has been working as lecturer and researching on urban anthropology in several french and catalan universities, linked with three research groups focused on urban spaces. She first got in touch with children’s literature working in a public library specialiazed in children’s books.

She has worked as reader for multiple publishing companies and reviewed picturebooks for Lateral, Quimera and Èxit. She also has worked as children and young adult’s ficcion editor for EDEBÉ. Currently she’s working as visitng lecturer at the Departament de Didàctica de la Llengua, la Literatura i de les Ciències Socials at the UAB. Her research interests includes literary education, children and YA’s literature, and mainly picturebook’s evolution analysis.