COLOMER, T. (1995): La formació del lector literari a través de la literatura infantil i juvenil. Tesi doctoral dirigida per A. Camps i Mundó. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Consultable en línia:
The first part of this dissertation addresses the evolution of Western Children’s Literature Studies. It specifically looks into relevant contributions from different critique perspectives –psychology, sociology, literary theory, and didactics- produced during the 80’s.
The second part analyses contemporary books for children and youngsters to reveal how these adapt to contemporary readers. 150 books, which that were then highly recommended by literary critics specialised on literature for children and adolescents, are analysed considering the main parts of the construction of their narratives. The analysed corpus is divided in categories that correspond to the readers’ ages to draw conclusion regarding the literary competences that children must have in order to read the books.