
Els hàbits lectors dels adolescents. Efectes de les actuacions escolars en les pràctiques de lectura. [The Sphere of Adolescent Readings: Between Personal Choice and School Readings. How School can Enhance Reading Practices]

Any: 2009

MANRESA, Mireia. Els hàbits lectors dels adolescents. Efectes de les actuacions escolars en les pràctiques de lectura [The Sphere of Adolescent Readings: Between Personal Choice and School Readings. How School can Enhance Reading Practices]. PhD Dissertation (Advisor: Teresa Colomer). Facultat d’Educació Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. 10/09/2009.

The research is based on the compilation of readings done by second cycle of secondary schoolstudents in a school that carries out a reading promotion project. The study analyses the readings of the students from both a qualitative and quantitative viewpoint to establish the reader’s behaviour patterns according to their school performance. It seeks to establish the evolution of the readers profile during the first cycle e secondary school and to look into the possibilities and limits of reading promotion in school environments.